Our Summit Agenda Davos 2017

We are delighted to share with you the Agenda for the Inaugural Khoja Business Leaders’ Summit to be held at Davos, Switzerland, from Sept 8th to 10th, 2017.

We have designed the Agenda to allow maximum time for the Plenary Discussions, so that we can seek the maximum input and guidance from all the participants. Thus your presence and participation is vital to the success of this historic Summit.

Please note that on Saturday Night we have organised a Formal Networking Dinner with our esteemed dignitaries – black ties are more than welcome!

Friday 8th September

Time Event Speaker / Moderator / Panellists
19:30 Informal Networking Dinner All

Including a talk by Raza Aly Hiridjee on “Khojas the Mighty Minority”

Presentation by Julius Baer

“Health, Wellbeing and Inspiration” by Dr Mahmood Mawjee

Saturday 9th September

Time Event Speaker / Moderator / Panellists
09:00 to 09:15 Quranic Recitation
09:15 to 09:25 Organizing Committee’s Welcoming Event Director
09:25 to 09:40 “The Dream of Davos” Reflections from the Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Sibtein Asaria

09:40 to 11:00 1st Plenary Roundtable: “Envisioning the Potential of the Summit and Prioritising Our Objectives” (Part 1) Introductions & Expectations from the Summit and Maximising its Potential
11:00 to 11:20 Tea & Coffee Break
11:20 to 12:30 1st Plenary Roundtable: “Envisioning the Potential of the Summit and Prioritising Our Objectives” (Part 2) Including a talk by Raza Jafar
12:30 to 13:40 Lunch and Namaz
13:40 to 13:45 “Health, Wellbeing and Inspiration” Dr Mahmood Mawjee
13:45 to 14:05 Key Note Speech by His Excellency Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 2004 – 2007. His Excellency Shaukat Aziz
14:05 to 15:15 1st Panel Discussion: “Investing in Education: The Human Capital Approach” Moderator: Mehdi Hassan
15:15 to 15:35 Observations from the Floor on the  1st Panel Discussion
15:35 to 15:55 Tea & Coffee Break
15:55 to 16:15 “How Health and Wellbeing Drive Longevity and Generational Continuity” Feisal Alibhai
16:15 to 17:25 2nd Panel Discussion: “Free market Enterprise vs Social Justice: Do the two conflict?” Moderator: Mehdi Hassan
17:25 to 17:45 Tea & Coffee Break
17:45 to 18:20 Observations from the Floor on the talk by Feisal Alibhai and on the 2nd Panel Discussion
18:20 to 19:30 2nd Plenary Roundtable: “Prioritising areas of Collective Focus, Partnership and Measuring Success” All
20:30 till late Formal Networking Dinner All

Includes reflections on the Summit and Philanthropy in general from various Dignitaries

Sunday 10th September

Time Event Speaker / Moderator / Panellists
08:40 to 08:50 General Housekeeping Event Director
08:50 to 09:00 “Health, Wellbeing and Inspiration” Dr Mahmood Mawjee
09:00 to 09:20 “Creating a better world for all, through Philanthropic Leadership” Dr Sayed Ammar Nakshwani
09:20 to 10:30 3rd Panel Discussion: “Developing Role Models, Sharing the Keys to Success and Giving Back to Society”
10:30 to 10:50 Observations from the Floor on the 3rd Panel Discussion
10:50 to 11:10 Tea & Coffee Break
11:10 to 12:40 3rd Plenary Roundtable: “Creating a Lasting Legacy through this Summit”
12:40 to 13:00 Observations and Reflections on the Summit
13:00 to 13:15 “Co-operation, Collaboration, Co-Creation: Collective Ownership of The Way Forward” Shan E Abbas Hassam
13:15 to 13:30 Historic Signing of the Khoja Davos Accord
13:30 to 14:30 Namaz and Lunch
14:30 to 14:50 Group Photograph
14:50 to 14:55 “Health, Wellbeing and Inspiration” Dr Mahmood Mawjee
15:00 Message of Thanks from the Organizing Committee Event Director